St. Paul Lutheran

Lenten Worship Services


“What Is a Christian?”

Have you ever been asked, “what is a Christian?” The simple Sunday School answer to this question certainly comes to mind: “A Christian is one who believes in Jesus as their Savior.” And while this answer does explain whose a Christian is and how one becomes a Christian, we can go so much deeper. A Christian is characterized by their faith in Jesus, but “you will recognize them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16). The way we live shows us to be Christian. On the Sundays in Lent, Pastor Vossler will unpack the Christian life in five different ways: A Christian is Steadfast, Conciliatory, Zealous, Saved, and Humble.


“Hear Our Penitential Cry”

While most of our favorite psalms declare God’s glory and rejoice in His mighty deeds, not always are our prayers so joyous. Seven times, the psalmists turn to God in penitence, crying our for mercy because of their sinful actions. During our midweek worship services between Ash Wednesday and Holy Week, we will be blessed by pastors of the Midland Circuit preaching on the Penitential Psalms to guide our own life of penitence. The Christian life is one of repentance: acknowledging our sins and turning from them toward God, the source of our forgiveness.


LENTEN Midweek SCHEDULE – 2024

February 14                Ash Wednesday

                 21                Lent I

                28                Lent II

 March      6               Lent III

                  13               Lent IV

                 20               Lent V                        

Lenten Dinners @ 6pm & Services @ 7pm:  February 21, 28 & March 6, 13, 20


HOLY WEEK – 2024

March       24              Palm Sunday               9:30 am

                  28              Maundy Thursday      7:00 pm

                  29              Good Friday                1:00 pm

                   31              Easter  (Sunrise Svc)   7:00 am

                                                  (Breakfast)   8:00 am

                                       (Celebration Svc)   9:30 am

April             6                     Easter Concert     4:00 pm
