Welcome New Visitors
Why Choose St. Paul Lutheran Church?
Welcome to St. Paul Lutheran Church! We are a loving and welcoming community of faith located in Sanford, Michigan, located on Saginaw Road just a couple blocks west of M-30. Conveniently located less than a mile from downtown Sanford, we have many activities happening during the week for people of all ages. If you are interested, I encourage you to check our church calendar for upcoming events.
We would love to have you join us for worship on Sunday!
Your First Service
Many people are unsure of how to dress when they first attend a new church, so let me put any concerns to rest. St. Paul Lutheran Church does not have any sort of “dress code” for worship services – when you come, you will see people in anything from a suit and tie down to jeans and a sweatshirt. However, most people wear some form of “business casual.” If you have children, please bring them with you! Children are welcome in the service, and we have activity bags available for you if they need something to keep their hands occupied.
When you come to St. Paul, you can locate us by the large belltower, or by our roadside marquee sign. There are three different parking lots, all of which are available for you to park. The main lot (off Lynn Street) is most convenient to our fellowship hall. The upper parking lot (straight off of the Saginaw Road entrance behind the trees) has additional handicapped parking and is especially convenient for worship services. The overflow parking (near the Ministry Center) is also available if the other lots are full.
Our Sunday morning service begins at 9:30 AM. If you arrive a little early, you are welcome to visit with some of our members in the fellowship hall and have coffee before the service. The greeters at the main entrance can direct you to the fellowship hall, or to the sanctuary for services. If you enter on the second floor, the ushers will welcome you to the service and make sure that you have everything you need: bulletins, as well as children’s bags for younger worshipers. Our Public Relations Committee puts together welcome bags for all our visitors, so look for them in the entry area. Pastor Vossler typically greets everyone as they arrive for worship, as well.
We have communion on the first and third Sunday of every month. If you are a member of another congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, we welcome you to participate with us! If you are not, or if you have questions, please speak with Pastor Vossler or with one of the ushers before the service. Our congregation practices close(d) communion, which means that we welcome anyone who believes as we do to partake of the Sacrament with us. If you are part of a church that does not believe as we do, then I encourage you to refrain, and to pray for the day when such divisions will cease.
After the service, you are welcome to join us in the fellowship hall for snacks and drinks, with Sunday Morning Adult Bible study to follow. We also have Sunday School and Youth Bible Study in the Ministry Center, which begin immediately following the service.
Parents with Small Children
Relax! You and your children are welcome to our worship service! Being in worship with you to observe and participate in the service will help them to learn how to behave in church – and they will learn that best by watching you worship on a regular basis! You can sit anywhere in the sanctuary that you wish. The last two rows of pews are set aside for families with small children, but you don’t have to sit there. In fact, sitting close to the front so your children can see what’s happening may help them to feel more involved in the service.
If your children need something to keep their hands occupied, please ask one of the ushers for a copy of the children’s bulletins for them to color. If for any reason you need to take your children out of the sanctuary so they can calm down, you can bring them into the bathroom at the back of the church. In addition, at the bottom of the stairs we have a cry room to the right, as well as the fellowship hall to the left. With the speakers in the basement, you will be able to hear the service while your child calms down. If your children don’t want to sit still or be quiet through the whole service, there is absolutely nothing wrong with them: they are young and learning. The sound of children in worship is the sound of the Church’s future.
Growing in Faith
We look forward to having you join us for worship and grow with us in your faith! St. Paul has numerous Bible studies available for all ages: youth Bible study and movie night, men’s and women’s Bible studies, Lifelight Bible study, as well as in-home Bible study with Pastor Hoogerhyde.
If you are interested in joining St. Paul Lutheran Church, please talk to Pastor Vossler or to one of the ushers when you worship with us. The process for joining the church as a non-Lutheran is called Lutheranism 101. We offer this 10-week class as needed throughout the year. If you would like to transfer to St. Paul from a different LCMS congregation, you can let Pastor Vossler know, or you can contact your current congregation to authorize the transfer.